And There Goes American Rights – NDAA signed

One led to the other, to the other, to the other to the other. Patriot Law was not broad enough. SO they tested the laws in Southern states. They could pull someone over for any reason and ask for ID even if a law was not broken. Now introducing the NDAA which President Obama signed into law even amidst his own reservations. Arrests can be made with any suspicion. “But that isn’t how we will operate” says Obama. Um, Mr. President, may I remind you of Troy Davis, murdered by the GA Courts only about two months ago.

Davis Executed in 2011 despite evidence of his innocence

Coincidentally Atlanta GA was one of those testing states where people could be pulled over, detained, and questioned. Think they were sending a message?

Then again being a pessimist bout NDAA doesn’t exactly make anything easier. What we do know is that now Government bodies can arrest anyone they see fit via suspicion of being linked to terrorism.

Whatever the case NDAA is now law. The American Government is now under passive militant control (To state the obvious). The question I would like to ask all those who pushed for it is; were we allowed to vote on it in any election? I thought that’s what Democracy was.

As always

Blessings and one Love

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